Wednesday, September 7, 2011

“There are no strangers here; Only friends you haven’t yet met.” - William Butler Yeats

Trenton is his own person. I love this about him! I mean it can be exhausting on some issues, but overall this quality is fabulous!
Not long ago I was telling Trenton about "stranger danger". He is so friendly and outgoing I thought it was necessary. So as I am wrapping up my little stranger talk I could see Trenton had something to say. He looked at me so seriously and said, "Mom, there are no strangers. You just have not met them yet and become their friends." His wisdom struck me. I thought for some time and then told him he was right. But to never, never, ever leave with someone that mommy doesn't know. He seemed to think this was a better rule than the stranger-danger approach I first took. Funny I happened upon this Yeats quote today. And even funnier my four year old has the same idea. :) I hope he keeps his "insight" as he ages.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Vacation Pics Part 2

And a few more...


I love vacation. Mainly, for a new experience, but I also love getting away from the day to day! I can't say that this vacation was...restful...but it was so much fun! We went to my sisters boyfriends college graduation in Vegas and a mini-side trip to Disneyland.
Disneyland! I love Disneyland. I didn't realize how much! But I really do love it. Trenton thought it was grand! So much to look at, to do, people to meet! He loved it! Trenton was tall enough for the roller coasters and was all about it! He is such a brave boy. :) He was star-struck when he met Mickey, excited to meet Winnie the Pooh and friends, and ecstatic to meet Mr. Incredible. It was great fun. Here are a few random photo's from our week away! :)

Thursday, March 24, 2011


Trenton just loves it when I make up stories. And I love that he is silently listening, his little ears hanging on every word that I speak. I can't say these stories are amazing, or world changing, but he does love them. And the best part is making him the star character. I mean...who doesn't want to be the star of the story? And as we ramble along the plot line I let Trenton throw in some idea's about where the story goes. Current theme: Trenton and his dog Pluto (who is very much like Kelso). I sometimes find myself at night, exhausted and eager to tuck him in quickly, and get on to my own list of things. But every time I seize the opportunity I am truly thankful for all the precious moments I have been given. (I hope to remember that the next time I ask him to do something and he looks at me and defiantly and says no). Ah...all the joys of parenting.

Monday, March 14, 2011


Parenting.'s not for the weak of mind, will or heart. It will stretch you, hurt you, make you laugh, cry, ache and feel love. And my little one is only four.
I think there are lots of models, wrong ones, right ones, in between ones. And we need all the models to get all the different types of people that make the world go round. Lately I've been having all these memories of my own childhood. They are all soft and sweet and full of wonder. Wonder. Wonder. I loved that sense of wonder. I see that sense of wonder in my own child, and I can't stop the train of "destruction", but at the same time I want to fuel his fire of wonder. So that he will not be dismayed by the corrupt world around him, but instead be inspired, energized and wonderous enough to create goodness for himself and all those around him.
So, tomorrow, we will go to a park, and fly paper airplanes (in which I will no doubt make awesome ones in a four year olds eyes, but not perhaps in anyone other persons eyes). I think after that we shall go for a hike and listen for all the different birds and make up names for them (this will have to be another day, because, alas, I have to work and live in "reality"). I hope that in that not only will Trenton's sense of wonder be fueled, but that I may to rediscover the sense of wonder I knew I once had.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Don't let your dreams be dreams..

Trenton is "mowing the lawn". I do hope, that you all, can use your imaginations here. Can't you see it?
I remember being a kid and make believing I was doing adult things. Oh, the days of fairy tales and playing house. They pass by so slowly as a kid, but then one day it seems like you wake up and find that you are no longer a kid and fairy tales are simply... tales. When I think about that I just want to let Trenton be a little kid just a day longer than I remember. I know I cannot change the course of life and growing up, but the days of make believe really are where it's at. I guess as adults we do it's just called dreaming. I hope Trenton grows up to be a dreamer. To dream big and never be discouraged- I hope that he chases his dreams, and maybe even makes believe with his kids that a dolly is a lawn mower.