Trenton is his own person. I love this about him! I mean it can be exhausting on some issues, but overall this quality is fabulous!
Not long ago I was telling Trenton about "stranger danger". He is so friendly and outgoing I thought it was necessary. So as I am wrapping up my little stranger talk I could see Trenton had something to say. He looked at me so seriously and said, "Mom, there are no strangers. You just have not met them yet and become their friends." His wisdom struck me. I thought for some time and then told him he was right. But to never, never, ever leave with someone that mommy doesn't know. He seemed to think this was a better rule than the stranger-danger approach I first took. Funny I happened upon this Yeats quote today. And even funnier my four year old has the same idea. :) I hope he keeps his "insight" as he ages.