This is a bit overdue, but I'm finally getting to it. Trenton is, at the moment, happily playing with all of his cars in the window sill. One of his favorite activities.
Mexico was so much fun! Trenton and I were the only ones that went. Aaron could not get the time off due to seniority, but encouraged us to go anyways. I was hesitant, but so thankful we went. I had so much fun with my mom, Tuesday & Julian, Autumn, the Fagens and the Everts. It was really to much fun!
Trenton did amazing on the airplane journey (both ways)! He wanted his blanket and my hand during all take off and landings. But overall he was happy and well behaved on every flight. I was so thankful for all the help I got from family, travellers and the flight attendants.
Once we got to Mexico it was really all about relaxation. Trenton and I played in the pool every morning until lunch and nap time. Then it was usually a three hour nap time- for Trenton. Then some more pool time. Really that was the main thing we did. It was great. No phones, hardly any computer, no TV, just good ole' times with the family.
I really wish life was that way all the time!
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